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Beat the Heat: Landscaping Tips for Texas Summers

Updated: Aug 10, 2022

The temperatures are rising and the days are getting longer. Spring is here and summer is right around the corner! Is your Texas yard ready?

While the scorching heat can be daunting for homeowners, you can have a vibrant and thriving lawn with the right steps. Today, we’re sharing three important landscaping tips that can give you the best property on the block.

1. Rejuvenate Your Lawn

When warm weather rolls around, your lawn might not be exactly show-worthy. The grueling winter can take its toll on your grass, leaving it brown or dry in patches.

Instead of stressing, start seeding. If you notice any areas that look particularly bare, apply new seed. For best results, wait until temperatures stay consistently above 70 degrees Fahrenheit. You can also perform a soil test to see if your lawn needs any extra fertilizer.

If it does, then wait until it’s at least 50% green to apply. After that, your role will shift largely to simple maintenance. In the spring, try to water your grass once a week for about 10 to 15 minutes. Once the summer rolls around, increase it to two or three times per week.

2. Embrace Native Plants

Your Texas yard shouldn’t work against you. If you’re having a difficult time growing certain plants, then take a look at their origins. Plants that are native to our state are designed to flourish here and are specially adapted to our climate and soil conditions.

In addition, native plants are more drought-tolerant and disease-resistant than non-native varieties. They’re also easier to maintain. A few varieties to plant include:

  • Texas Lantana

  • Rock Rose

  • Eastern Purple Cornflower

  • Black-Eyed Susans

  • Red Turk’s Cap

For a more extensive list of native and adapted plants, check out this list from Texas A&M AgriLife Extension. This is an easy way to support the Texas ecosystem and supply food and shelter to the birds, bees, and other native wildlife around your home.

3. Consider the Climate

Houston is in the Piney Woods region of Texas. Here, we enjoy a humid and subtropical climate and more than 50 inches of rainfall per year!

Especially in the spring, there is a significant chance of thunderstorms. In summer, the elevated humidity levels make the city feel hotter than it is. While Houston isn’t directly inside of Texas’ Tornado Valley, it’s on the cusp of it and sees its fair share of severe thunderstorms.

When planning your summer lawn, keep all of these conditions top of mind. Ideally, plant shrubs and vegetation low to the ground to prevent them from toppling over in a storm. You should also adjust your watering schedule based on the anticipated amount of rainfall your yard will receive each week.

Embrace Your Texas Lawn With These Landscaping Tips

You don’t have to settle for a scorched yard this summer. With the right approach, you can keep your grass plush, your plants green, and your flowers blooming.

Start by applying these simple landscaping tips. The more you learn about your Texas property, the easier it will be to care for and maintain it.

Would you rather sip sweet tea on the porch than tackle this task yourself? We’ve got you covered. Our lawn care experts can help you transform your yard, so contact us today!

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